Tuesday 8 July 2014

Too many big words?

My eyes tend to glaze over when I hear the words "strategy", "vision", and "infrastructure", whether its the work place or the public place ( i.e. public decision making).  I won't say I took a world weary look at the CBC's invitation to comment on its "draft plan setting out a 20-year development vision" but maybe a deep breath would describe it better. Apart from any thing else how many times are consultations launched as we head into the July/August holiday period with schools out and many families away? Too many is the answer to that non-rhetorical question. 

For more info see:

CBC states: 

"The Development Strategy is a planning policy document that will play a huge part in shaping the future in Central Bedfordshire. It plans for the delivery of 31,000 new homes and 27,000 new jobs over a 20 year period from 2011.
It provides a development map for Central Bedfordshire identifying key housing, employment and environmental sites as well as highlighting key infrastructure improvements, plans for settlements and areas of Green Belt. The Strategy also sets out the key policies that will help determine planning applications.

"Running until Tuesday 26 August, there will be the opportunity for interested parties to comment on the document. Background information on the Strategy, a summary document and a questionnaire is available on our website. Copies of the documents are also available to view at council customer service centres and libraries"

Jason Longhurst, CBC Director of Regeneration and Business Support adds: 

“We are responding to the challenges of growth for our area by ensuring it is sustainable and in the right place at the right time. This Strategy is the culmination of extensive local assessments and studies and has been drawn up in consultation with local people, developers, investors and statutory bodies.

“This final round of public scrutiny is really important before it goes to the Planning Inspector. We need to show that it will meet the test of time – presenting a sustainable development vision for our market towns, villages and communities."

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